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GloBIS is an SBA and WBENC Certified Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB) founded in Chicago in 2003 to provide its clients with difficult-to-access business information, such as China company investigations, market research, and databases. Responding to customers’ needs to learn about the foreign affiliates of Chinese companies we reviewed, by 2004 GloBIS was offering Credit Reports on any company, any size, anywhere in the world.


In fact, GloBIS’ product line is a direct reflection of what our clients require to fill their information void: a client used our list of Russian imports to learn from whom his competition was importing and at what price; our Background Investigation of a potential South African representative for our client revealed he was using false diplomatic credentials and had been sued for fraud; the Site Visits we do worldwide for a very large company provide a neutral third party review of their distributors, keeping them in compliance with their corporate social responsibility standards;  the Credit Checks one of our clients orders on all its international business partners has enabled it to get Export Import Bank guarantees, skyrocketing its international sales; our Market Research concerning a specific drug’s development in China showed our client who was doing what, where, how far they’d gotten in the approval and testing process, etc. – this was proprietary information which influenced the customer’s direction for the next several years.


Clients include the US Government, Defense Industry Conglomerates, some law firms, investment firms, public and private companies of all sizes worldwide.


GloBIS is proud to be an EXIM (US Export Import Bank) approved provider of credit reports since 2013 and to have been awarded a five year GSA contract in 2023 to provide EXIM's ECI office with Foreign Credit Reports via a full and open competition. EXIM has chosen GloBIS to be a Stakeholder Partner for the EXIM 2024 Annual conference from June 6-7 in Washington DC. Use discount code GLOBIS2024 on the final payment page to get 10% off!  GloBIS has been a Strategic Partner of the US Trade Administration since 2012 and began providing the US Commercial Service (USCS) with International Company Profile (ICP) reports on companies in China in 2004. Other USCS offices which order from GloBIS include Angola, Austria, Ghana, Indonesia, UAE and Vietnam.



Accurate Due Diligence and Market Intelligence worldwide;
Fortune 500 quality with small business agility and pricing;
Background Investigations on companies and individuals globally, Site Visits, Reference Checking, highly customized Market Research, etc.


GloBIS finds information you need to know to improve your decision making and raise your competitive edge.



In 2004, GloBIS won the US Department of Commerce’s worldwide search for a new supplier for their International Company Profile (ICP) reports on Chinese companies. Please follow this link for further information on the US Commercial Service China Due Diligence services. GloBIS also is the Commercial Services source of ICPs on companies in other countries, such as Austria, Ghana, Indonesia, UAE, and Vietnam.



GloBIS has embraced Corporate Social Responsibility and ESG from its inception and maintains a low carbon footprint. GloBIS sends all reports and invoices electronically, saving on paper, and is an SBA and WBENC certified WOSB. With our researchers based worldwide, GloBIS also helps our clients decrease their global travel by having GloBIS conduct our Site Visits and Interviews with top executives on your behalf. This also helps ensure you have an unbiased third party providing you the facts about a partner rather than someone focused on a signing bonus if a deal goes through.

GloBIS in the News:

Read a GoDaddy feature interview of Managing Director Louise Kern on international expansion, an AP article and a Compliance Week article mentioning GloBIS.


Bio —

Louise M. Kern, President
With over 30 years of international experience, Louise M. Kern began working in the business information industry in 1996. In 1998 she moved to Vienna, Austria as the head of European Operations for a top US business information company. Ms. Kern returned to her native Chicago in 2000 to head the International Division of the same company, expanding their coverage to include data on non-US companies. Seeing the surging need for high quality business information in the increasingly global economy, Ms. Kern founded Global Business Information Services, Inc. (GloBIS) in 2003 to cater particularly to the growing number of small and medium sized enterprises expanding internationally.


Initially focusing exclusively on China business information, GloBIS forged relationships with leading Chinese private and quasi-governmental credit reporting and market research enterprises, beating venerable international business information companies to become the US Commercial Service’s source for International Company Profile (ICP) reports on Chinese companies in 2004. That same year, GloBIS expanded its coverage to include information on businesses and individuals in every country.


Clients now also span the globe, ranging from one-person operations to Fortune 100s, Defense Conglomerates, International Law Firms, Investment Houses, and several Governments. The US International Trade Administration designated GloBIS as a Strategic Partner in 2012 - the only due diligence provider on their list. The US Commercial Service relies on GloBIS to provide them with ICP reports in quite a few countries. EXIM Bank of the US orders Foreign Credit Reports from GloBIS.


Ms. Kern has lived in mainland China, Austria, Germany, and France. She speaks fluent Mandarin and German, and is conversant in French. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Chicago and a graduate diploma from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Nanjing University campus. Ms. Kern has been a Board Member of the International Trade Association of Greater Chicago and International Women Associates, and was appointed by the Mayor of Chicago to the Chicago Sister Cities China Committee.


Featured Team Member —

Julian Sanchez, Middle East Director
Based out of Dubai, the regional Financial and Logistics Hub, Julian has experience working across different verticals including Automotive, Engineering & Manufacturing, Technology and Logistics. Julian has been a GloBIS Team Member since 2012. His primary focus includes conducting our regional site visit interviews and special projects.

With graduate degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from his native Colombia and an International MBA from the Vlerick Business School in Belgium, Julian possesses the right skills to connect market circumstances, company information and trends to derive useful insights.


Julian has a keen eye for detail and executes thorough and complete market research activities and site visit interviews.


In his personal life, Julian is passionate about traveling, cooking and financial independence.

Honored to be featured in the International Trade Administration's Women's History Month Initiative!


Fortune 500 quality with small business agility and pricing

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