Information on any company, anywhere.
Whether to find or vet a supplier/buyer/ distributor, uncover a scam, or gather information on a global market, GloBIS will uncover the facts.
GloBIS has partnered with top business information companies worldwide in order to provide you with the most accurate, highest quality, up-to-date, unbiased, and competitively priced global business intelligence available.
Are you a bank needing to conduct Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO) reports on companies worldwide before you release funds? GloBIS' UBO reports show you all the shareholder details worldwide within 1-3 days.
If you are looking to purchase “nonstandard ammunition” in Europe, our freshly investigated Fullcheck and UBO reports provide you accurate and quick screening of new suppliers.
Doing your homework upfront about a foreign company can save you millions in the end. Conducting research on your competitors can help you increase your market share.
We can help you learn if a company truly exists, what its trade practices have been in recent years, what its payment records are, if they infringed on another company’s Intellectual Property, etc. The correct information can mitigate your risk in doing business in today’s vibrant global economy by revealing your potential partner’s business history. This will help save you from defaulted payments, illegally copied products, and from making the wrong partner choice. Let us help you succeed in doing business internationally.
We have seen a dramatic rise in imposters - people pretending to work for legitimate businesses. You should check out a company and also confirm the person you are dealing with actually holds that position in that company. All GloBIS freshly investigated reports include having us verify the person you are communicating with truly works for that company, in that role!
Business Credit Reports
Pre-Employment Screening
Market Research
Enterprise Databases/Lists
Local Language Media Services (LLMS)
Due Diligence
Site Visits/Interviews
Click here for further information on our China coverage.
Sample Pre-employment background check on a Chinese Person
Click here to see our China Background Investigation pricing and delivery schedule.
Fullcheck Reports on companies worldwide
This report is so comprehensive, it is probably all you will need!
This freshly investigated 6-15 page Report is the Official Company Registration information plus extensive credit information on the company, including balance sheet, income statement, litigation record, related parties worldwide with a corresponding relationship graph, Shareholders (including their nationality), Directors, etc. Each profile’s content is dependent on local disclosure levels and is verified with public records and the company itself when you place your order, so it is as fresh as possible.
(US$265 on companies in Asia/Pacific; US$305 on companies anywhere else in the world; 7 business day average delivery time)
(Click here to see a sample on a company in Asia/Pacific)
(Click here to see a sample on a company elsewhere)
We can add the below services to most Fullchecks:
Reference Checking
OFAC Check
Site Visit without Interview
Site Visit with Interview
(Click to see the price/delivery schedule)
Tip: In your Fullcheck order, include the name, title, and contact details of the person you are dealing with at the target company so we can check to ensure they truly hold that position in that company!
GloBIS Blitz Scam Screening© checks key indicators to provide you a rapid response whether you are probably dealing with a scammer. (US$250; response within 24 hours)
Director/Shareholder searches worldwide.
GloBIS can check an individual’s involvement as a Director or Shareholder in any company, anywhere in the world*. *Local disclosure laws may limit access to this information in certain countries - just email us in advance to confirm your chances of obtaining the official details.
(US$230 per individual/per country)
(Click to see a sample D&S Report)
Additional Reports
See the official statutory information on the Subject company (not available everywhere). Order a Site Visit on a company, with or without an Interview - we travel there so you don't have to!
GloBIS' Local Language Media Services (LLMS) are an excellent way to gather derogatory information on a Subject in countries where litigation records and standard Background Checks are inaccessible and/or situations are too new to find elsewhere.
Background checks on individuals. Delivery times and prices vary by region.
GloBIS has particularly good individual background checking capabilities in China, several Asian and African countries, the US, the Former Soviet Union, etc. If you’re interested in another region, just send us an email with the details and we’ll let you know if we can help you.
Companies request these reports for pre-employment screening,
qualifying investors, ensuring compliance, etc.
Interested in any of the above?
Just send us a query: Info@glo-bis.com.
I will never sign another contract again without first checking with GloBIS!