GloBIS provides the unbiased facts about any company in China – any size, any industry, any location, any type of company.
Business Credit Reports
Directors/Shareholders Search
Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO)
In-Depth Due Diligence
Site Visits/Interviews
Tender Information
Pre-Employment Screening
GloBIS provides the unbiased facts about any company in China – any size, any industry, any location, any type of company.
Doing your homework upfront about a Chinese company can save you millions in the end, especially with the expanded US Government restrictions regarding sanctioned Chinese Military Companies (CMC) and Military End Users (MEU). We can help you learn if a company truly exists, who owns it, including whether it is ultimately controlled by the Chinese Government, what its trade practices have been in recent years, what their payment records are, if they infringed on another company’s Intellectual Property, etc. The correct information can mitigate your risk in doing business in China’s vibrant economy by revealing your potential partner’s business history. This will help save you from defaulted payments, illegally copied products, and from making the wrong partner choice. Let us help you succeed in doing business in China.
Market Feasibility and Entry Study. The parameters of these reports are designed with you so that we can provide you with the most pertinent information for your needs – at the best price possible. Contact us for a free price quote Info@glo-bis.com.
Information on Chinese Individuals
US regulators have greatly expanded the list of Chinese individuals with whom US companies cannot conduct business, making it even more important for you to know who is behind and involved in your Chinese business partners. Not every Politically Exposed Person (PEP) in China (or elsewhere) is prohibited, but you are certainly in a better position if you are the one approaching the authorities about an individual in question rather than having them surprise you with a connection you had no clue about.
Click here to see sample China Background Investigation.
Click here to see a sample report showing where a Chinese individual is a Director or Shareholder.
China Background Investigation pricing and delivery schedule.
China Business Information
If a company is registered in China, GloBIS can provide a report on it! We can even find information on companies which are not legally registered, no longer exist, or are non-legal entities.
(Click here to see prices & delivery times)
GloBIS Tips on Recognizing a Chinese Scam
China Business Reports
Business Registration Report (BR) US$60 This several page report includes basic company registration information of address, contact details, industry, shareholders. Each profile’s content is verified with public records and the company itself when you place your order, so it is a fresh as possible.
Business Credit Report (BCR) US$255 This freshly investigated 8-20 page Report is the Business Registration Report plus extensive credit information on the company, including the last 3 years financials litigation record, trademark and patent registration, etc. Each profile’s content is verified with public records and the company itself when you place your order, so it is as fresh as possible.
Financials (US$225 - up to 3 latest years from the AIC). If the more detailed financials from the Tax Bureau become available again, we will let you know!
International Company Profile (ICP) US$435 This freshly investigated 15-25 page report is the report we created for our contract with the US Department of Commerce as their source for Chinese company information. It is an expanded version of the Business Credit Report with more references, history, recent developments, etc. on the company. Each report’s content is verified and references are checked when you place your order, so it is as fresh as possible.
In-Depth Credit Report US$1275 This 20+ page report is an in-depth analysis of the company, its history and evolution, organization, personnel & site description, details on the main executives, operations, credit record, finances, and an analysis of the industry and that company’s ranking in it.
We have seen a dramatic rise in imposters - people pretending to work for legitimate businesses. You should review a company and also confirm the person you are dealing with actually holds that position in that company. All GloBIS freshly investigated China reports include having us verify the person you are communicating with truly works for that company, in that role!
Additional Reports on Chinese Companies:
We have a wide variety of reports on Chinese companies, including some access to actual official filings, debt/loans reports, etc. Please contact us regarding your specific requirements and we will provide the relevant details.
China business intelligence is NOT an oxymoron!