Honored to be featured in the International Trade Administration's Women's History Month Initiative!
B2B and B2G Due Diligence.
Everywhere around the World.
GloBIS saves you time and money by solving your risk mitigation requirements; we help you recognize issues before they become problems.
Whether to vet a client or supplier, review the financials of an investment target, or understand the connections between entities, GloBIS provides you the unbiased facts on companies and individuals worldwide.

Information on any company, any size, anywhere in the world.
Whether to find or vet a supplier, buyer, distributor, or gather information on a global market, GloBIS will uncover the facts to help you Know Your Customer (KYC).
For just a few hundred US Dollars, generally our comprehensive freshly investigated Fullcheck reports are all you need to determine whether to proceed with a deal.
GloBIS combines local research, big data, and human analysis in order to provide you with the most accurate, highest quality, up-to-date, unbiased, and competitively priced global business intelligence available.
Market Research worldwide. Delivery times and price vary by region.
GloBIS provides various levels of Market Research reports, from small investigations lasting weeks to large investigations over months, and always conducted specifically for our clients with our exceptional in-country expertise in most regions worldwide.
Market Feasibility and Entry Study.
The parameters of these reports are designed with you so that we can provide you with the most pertinent information for your needs – at the best price possible. Contact us for a free price quote.
GloBIS identifies red flags before they become problems.
Laws regarding anti-money laundering (AML) and anti-corruption are not just for financial institutions looking to confirm the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). Whether you are screening for sanctioned Chinese Military Companies (CMC) and Military End Users (MEU) in China, Russia, and Venezuela or purchasing “nonstandard ammunition” in Europe, GloBIS can help you learn who is behind a company, including whether it is ultimately controlled by a restricted entity. You must Know Your Customers (KYC) or risk heavy fines and revocation of your export license!
You need this and GloBIS has it.
Year Established
BBB Rating
Years Supplying US Department
of Commerce
Money Saved by Clients
GloBIS provides the unbiased facts about any company in China – any size, any industry, any location, any type of company.
Business Credit Reports
Directors/Shareholders Search
Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (UBO)
In-Depth Due Diligence
Site Visits/Interviews
Pre-Employment Screening
Access to information in China is constantly changing. GloBIS' locally licensed sources keep on top of the situation and if the information is legally available, GloBIS will get it!

Contact Us
875 N. Michigan Ave. Ste 3100
Chicago, IL 60611
tel/fax: +1-877-GLO-BIS8
General Inquiries
Louise M. Kern